Monday, May 11, 2009


The youngsters participating in the Community Unlimited After-School BLAST program were having lots of fun on Tuesday, May 5. CU Staff member Alison Baklund (a/k/a “Miss Ali”) spent the first part of the afternoon helping first and second graders improve their reading skills with the help of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears,” as they followed along with a CD and their books. Other academic enhancement activities included third and fourth graders working on homework, and playing “Upwords,” a game that takes Scrabble in a new direction—up! Players could change words by placing a different letter on top of a letter on the board. Vocabulary skills were in good supply as Kelly Smeltzer and Marcia Stuart supervised players and homework assistance.

Later in the afternoon, Tim Minor, Alisha Gaylord, Emily White and Kandice Harrington led the sixty children in dividing up into that week’s Kid Klub activities. All grades were able to choose between board games, Wii, kickball and sidewalk chalk drawing. Site Director Emily Dibert was pleased with the day’s turnout, and looks forward to keeping kids active both physically and mentally through the end of the school year.