Thursday, April 30, 2009


The doors of the Wesleyan Church Fellowship Hall opened at 9 AM on Saturday, April 25, as over a dozen CUYB members and volunteers began the daunting task of setting up the April Senior Bingo Games.

While adult volunteers began cooking an early lunch for the kids working, the 27 “kid-hours” began. Setting up tables and chairs for fifty players, hauling in huge Rubbermaid totes of decorations and prizes were the first jobs. Sixteen tables later, the real work started. Decorating the tables, setting up the refreshment table and Bingo equipment, organizing the sign-in station, and unpacking and displaying literally hundreds of Bingo Bucks Store prizes gave everyone just enough time to sit down and enjoy chips and “Grandma Blue’s” sloppy joes before the first players began to arrive.

Then the fun really began. Making sure that everyone signed in and got their newsletter and Easter candy bag were Youth Board members Drew Dinsmoor and Allison Jackson. They also made sure that everyone got their pick from the big basket of crocheted Easter baskets, filled with candy and handmade Easter pins, made by members of the Community Unlimited Purls of Wisdom knitting and crocheting club Betty Baylis and Lyn McRae.

After an hour and a half of fast-paced Bingo fun, the snack break was announced and the thirty-nine players quickly lined up to get ice cream and a slice of Bunny Cake. During this time, Glee Majors won an extra Bingo Buck by getting the caller, Terry Binion, to say “the secret word” picked earlier (“shadow”). A rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” was enjoyed by Betty Baylis, Fred Garnsay, Carly Kever, Ginger Palmerton, Joanne Shook and Doreen Wart as they received their birthday cupcakes.

When the games finally ended and the large group of very happy and satisfied players slowly filed out, the work of cleanup began. Tables were taken down and returned to storage, chairs folded, floors swept, trash emptied, kitchen cleaned, decorations packed, and Bingo Bucks Store was packed up to be returned to the Community Center until next month’s festivities. The tentative date for May Bingo is May 23 at the Wesleyan Church in Union City; the multi-theme will be May Day, Mother’s Day, and Cinco de Mayo. Be sure to watch your local paper and for flyers for the confirmed date and place, or call Paula Blue at 517-765-2740 or Ginger Palmerton at 517-741-7972 to reserve a spot ahead of time. New players are always welcome!`

Community Unlimited is a nonprofit organization funded in part by Michigan Department of Education 21st Century Learning Centers; Community Foundation Alliance of Calhoun County; Branch County United Way; United Way of Greater Battle Creek; and receives in-kind support from Union City Schools and the Village of Union City. Donations are tax-deductible.

Betty Baylis, Fred Garnsay, Carly Kever, Ginger Palmerton, Joanne Shook and Doreen Wart celebrated April birthdays.